新闻 10月8日


  • Mitie has helped Vodafone UK achieve 能源 savings worth over £10 million
  • 一系列能源管理解决方案是节约能源的关键
  • Rapid hibernation of buildings during lockdown helped minimise 能源 usage

Mitie has today announced that it has supported Vodafone UK in reducing its carbon footprint, 节省100千兆瓦时(GWh)的能源, 相当于25,000吨一氧化碳2在短短三年内. 节省下来的能源可以供一个65人的小镇使用,000 people for a year and represents a financial saving of around £10 million. The 能源 savings were achieved by optimising heating and cooling systems in offices and managing air flow to keep 科技nical sites cool in the most 能源 efficient way; and were validated by third-party 能源 auditor EEVS.

Mitie worked with Vodafone UK to deliver the savings as part of its Energy Performance Contract. 到目前为止, Mitie和沃达丰已经审计了沃达丰的90座大楼, 包括办公室, 联系中心, 数据中心和移动电话交换(MTX)网络站点, 评估能源使用情况并确保效率.

审计人员检查了大楼的照明, heating and air conditioning systems were operating at the highest 能源 efficiency rating. 在更复杂的位置, such as data centres and MTX (mobile telephone exchange) network sites, 24/7的电力对保持网络运行至关重要, sensors providing real-time data were used to identify 能源 saving opportunities. 例如, temperature sensors in data centres enabled the airflow to be automatically adjusted up or down remotely, ensuring the correct environment for this critical equipment in the most 能源 efficient way.

在办公室和呼叫中心, sensors in air conditioning systems enabled ‘dynamic controls’ so the air temperature could be managed remotely and at speed dependent on weather and conditions. Mitie had already supported Vodafone in reducing the number of buildings it opened at weekends and on bank holidays, 显著节约能源. 在Covid-19封锁期间, 除必要的技术人员外,所有人员都搬到家里工作, 这意味着更多的建筑可能处于休眠状态.

Mitie and Vodafone will continue to assess Vodafone’s buildings to identify further 能源 saving opportunities.

Pradyumna Pandit, Managing Director, Sustainability and Energy Services, Mitie, said:

“This landmark 能源 saving – and staggering 25,000 tonne reduction in CO2 emissions – was made possible thanks to the collaboration between Mitie and Vodafone UK teams. 感谢我们的能源经理, 可持续发展专家, 还有前线的同事, 谁都为这一成就做出了贡献. We’re proud to be helping UK businesses achieve ambitious environmental targets and look forward to continuing our work with Vodafone UK to help it meet its next 能源 reduction goal.”


“Not everything we’ve done here is revolutionary; we’ve achieved these staggering savings by doing the basics well and making 能源 reduction something we think about each and every day. Combined with our commitment to power our network with 100% renewable electricity by 2021 – and help our customers reduce their own carbon footprints with our connectivity and Internet of Things 科技nology – this will ensure we are helping to build a more sustainable future.”

今年2月,Mitie推出 计划为零, its commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2025 and supporting its clients in reaching their own sustainability targets. Mitie已经与沃达丰英国公司合作了10年, 提供综合设施管理,包括清洁, 安全, 工程, landscaping and front of house services to all of its sites across the country.


新闻 2020年6月17日

Mitie launches new service helping businesses reach Zero Carbon for Zero Cost

As the nation prepares to get Britain Back to 业务 and lockdown restrictions begin to ease, organisations across the UK are considering how they can prepare for a ‘new normal’ way of operating. 支持那些计划重返工作岗位的人, Mitie Energy has launched a new Zero Carbon for Zero Cost service to help businesses drive a green recovery, as part of its 计划为零 commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2025.
