Insight 16 June 2022


Electric Vehicles [EVs] are thriving. Latest figures from Total affirm that over 150,000 EVs are now recorded in the UK, 这一数字预计将在未来几年内达到100万,到2030年达到900万.

As well as this astounding foresight of economic growth, 为车辆充电所需的框架也取得了惊人的进展. Zap-Map最近的一项研究强调了英国电动汽车充电器的数量实际上已经超过了加油站的数量.

随着英国企业开始调查电动化车队的经济和环境优势, it seems like an ideal time to revisit how we fit charging facilities.

EV charging – The basics:

In simple terms, EV chargers require an electrical supply. 量化所需电源的大小取决于额定功率和您建议安装的电动汽车充电器的数量.


EV chargers can create harmonic distortion on the network and so therefore, 您必须通知您的分销网络运营商(DNO)您安装电动汽车充电器的意图. This will guarantee that the local network can manage, even if you have the capacity available in your current supply agreement.


  • Working out how much capacity is necessary
  • 您的车辆必须充电的速率决定了您需要的充电器类型.
  • 慢速充电器-在8到10小时内充满电,通常额定功率高达3kW.
  • 快速充电器-在2到5小时内充满电,通常额定功率在7kW到22kW之间.
  • 快速充电器-在30至60分钟内充满电,通常额定功率在55kW以上.

The Tesla supercharger, to take an extreme example, functions at 120kW and the ABB Terra High Power at an incredible 350kW.

检查电动汽车的数量和你的充电程序也很重要, and therefore one must consider several different factors:

Is it possible to charge your vehicles overnight? 你甚至可以考虑在一天中错开时间设置充电策略. Or will you put EVs on charge every day, at the same time?


Do you plan to possess any export?

您是否有兴趣将您的电动汽车充电器连接到电池存储解决方案? By doing so, 你可以在低成本关税时期给电池充电,然后在高关税时期给车辆供电. 这意味着无论电动汽车何时需要充电,充电都变得更容易、更划算.

However, 重要的是要注意,如果你选择电池存储解决方案,以帮助电气化和动力你的车队, 配电网运营商(DNO)必须研究电网处理电力来回输出的能力, as the battery storage system constantly charges and discharges.

Is the capacity locally available?

你需要弄清楚你所需要的电力负荷是否可以从当地的配电网获得, 这可以通过向您的配电网运营商(DNO)申请一个连接点(PoC)来实现。.

What is a PoC? Put simply, it is a specific spot on the distribution network [normally a cable, overhead line, or substation] where you can plug in a cable, transporting the necessary supply over to your site.

The DNO supplies you with a quote that sums up the total cost for you. Prices can be impacted to some extent by whether:

  • DNO需要在他们的网络上进行任何加固工作,以向您颁发此PoC, and if they do, then these costs are transferred onto you.
  • 而且他们提供给你的PoC是低电压还是高电压也会影响它, since HV will need a sub-station installed which will increase the cost.

Independent Connection Providers [ICPs], like Rock Power Connections for instance, can supply you with other quotations to improve your electrical connection.

Who is responsible for the installed network?

If the DNO installs your new electricity supply, they will also own it. This is called ‘adopting,这将意味着你的连接将成为分销网络的一部分. 然后,他们负责所有未来的维护工作,并确保电力持续供应. 有许多独立的DNOs也将采用您的安装,并在通电时提供财务激励. This can make a competitive proposition to the DNO. Rock Power Connections与idno建立了关系,可以代表您组织.

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